
Dein Tag im Zoo war­tet!

Dear vi­si­tors,

wel­co­me to Augs­burg Zoo, one of the most po­pu­lar lei­su­re fa­ci­li­ties in this part of Ba­va­ria.

The zoo ex­hi­bits 80 spe­ci­es of mammals, more than 200 spe­ci­es of birds and in­te­res­t­ing rep­ti­les, am­phi­bi­ans and in­sects- all in all a re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve sel­ec­tion of the ani­mal king­dom.

The 1500 in­di­vi­du­als live, whe­re pos­si­ble, in spacey out­door en­clo­sures in an at­trac­ti­ve set­ting of about 55.000 acres. Ex­ten­si­ve walk­ways lead along ponds full of wa­ter­fowl, litt­le streams, open me­a­dows and shady tree gro­ves. Along the way you find ani­mal ex­hi­bits, re­stau­rants and an ad­ven­ture play­ground for child­ren – a per­fect place for fa­mi­ly ou­tings, re­crea­ti­on and edu­ca­ti­on.

The Zoo Augs­burg ta­kes part in more than 20 in­ter­na­tio­nal bree­ding pro­grams for end­an­ge­red spe­ci­es and in ad­di­ti­on sup­ports pro­jects, which pro­tect end­an­ge­red spe­ci­es in their na­tu­ral ha­bi­tats.

With spe­cial gui­ded tours and events we try to call at­ten­ti­on to the th­re­at of end­an­ge­red ani­mals and wild­life in ge­ne­ral. We hope that our ani­mals can act as am­bassa­dors for their wild kin and are able to in­itia­te love and in­te­rest for na­tu­re as well as crea­te an un­der­stan­ding for the co­los­sal de­crease in wild­life and loss of ha­bi­tats around the world.
In or­der to ful­fil the de­mands of the new “World Zoo and Aqua­ri­um Con­ser­va­ti­on Stra­tegy “ we will of­fer a wi­der sel­ec­tion of edu­tain­ment to our vi­si­tors in the near fu­ture.

Dr. Bar­ba­ra Jantsch­ke

Do come and vi­sit our love­ly zoo.
We wish you a plea­sant stay with ex­ci­ting ex­pe­ri­en­ces.

Zu­sam­men Ge­stal­ten wir

den Zoo Augs­burg